'We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls'.

  • Iquitos Peru

    welcome to Iquitos Peru if you are planing a south american tour ,Iquitos is in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest and definitely worth an extended visit, check out this fascinating way of life!

  • East Africa

    Journey through Safari Land Tranquility

  • Rio Carnival

    Vibe into the rhythm of Samba and witness some of the most exotic self-indulgent events on the earth, RIO Carnival!

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    Lord Maurice Egerton and Castle Without a Princess

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Tuesday, November 15, 2011 15 comments

    This is the story of lord  Maurice Egerton tatton,the life and passion of Maurice, the fourth and last Baron Egerton of Tatton (1874 – 1958).the last son of Alan de Tatton and Lady Anna Louisia Taylor. (Maurice liked to wear a pilot's cap) A pioneer aviator, photographer and filmmaker, he was an early motorist and prodigious traveller.he was 4th and last Baron Egerton of Tatton collections [...]

    Lake Nakuru National Park

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1 comment

    Lake Nakuru National Park    A Rhino Sanctuary and and home to the many wild-game like the Lion, Waterbucks, Buffalo etc, and is one of the rare  places where you can spot Rothschild's giraffes.Rhinos are a common sight as well as Flamingos, baboons and leopards, its Birders paradise, the views are spectacular , The world renowned ornithologist Roger Tory Peterson once defined it [...]

    Cape Town

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Saturday, September 03, 2011 No comments

    Cape Town ...Beautiful cape   Cape Town is surely in the top of the world's best  cities, famous for its natural and scenic beauty a top tourist destinations in the world History Cape Town was originally home to the Khoi and San, nomads who made a living on hunting and gathering. the majestic Table Mountain was a haven where seafarers could seek shelter and take aboard fresh supplies [...]

    Rihanna getting dirty at the Carnival in Barbados

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 No comments

     R Rated singer dressed in a cut away bra top and a pair of tiny red  pants celebrated Kadooment Day with the Barbadians Yet another excellent reason to go to Barbados is to see and experience  historic carnival 'crop over'  Barbados is an island country situated in the western area of the North  Atlantic and 100 kilometres (62 mi) east of the Windward Islands and  the [...]

    Meet The African Biker

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Sunday, March 27, 2011 2 comments

    wheelers of Lagos How we Roll in Africa.. There is nothing like feeling of freedom you get from riding a motorcycle.  Two wheels you and the Road.It is a passion, Freedom of the wind in your hair and the road at your feet. It is just a way to get out of the real-life basically and it is real pleasure, If you love the open road more than your grandaddy, chances are you’re part [...]

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